As soon as he said one was on Westwell St and the other was on Gillibrand St, I knew exactly which properties he was referring to. In fact, I was one step ahead.... I'd already got my viewing booked, just to see if they were worth buying. Afterall, if they were I would make an offer anyway (I can buy do-er uppers for some of my clients without them even seeing them).
Attractive Prices
The Guide Prices were very attractive.
The one on Westwell St was offers over £35k, and the Gillibrand St was offers over £25k, and on the face of it both look like bargains. So of course I wanted to see them.
I suspected they were Compulsory Purchase Properties being sold on by the council and this was confirmed by the Agent. This in itself is not good news!
Anyway, you can see them here:
12 Westwell St. Darwen
40 Gillibrand St. Darwen
Anyway, I'm writing this after having viewed them both.
And it has to be said, YES there is some good money to be made on these for sure - providing we get them.
Potentially £50k Profit on these deals combined
The one on Gillibrand St will fetch anything between 80 & 90k if done nicely, and the Westwell one could well sell for a similar figure (pity it wasn't on the opposite side of the street as they fetch roughly £10k more)
They are both in need of some serious work.. very serious! but that doesn't phase me or the guy that called me in the slightest, I often say we like them rough - the rougher the better!
So.. offers have been submitted on both, in time for the cut off date (typical of Council Property Sales). The offers I've made are sensible and take account of the big spend that is needed, and take account of the important fact we have to make a decent profit on them otherwise there's no point bothering as there are loads of good deals about at the moment.
Council Sales are a Unpredictable at best!
But here is the problem (apart from the other investors that have submitted offers)..... as these are council sales we have no way of knowing how this will pan out. The council use a bizarre method of deciding which offer to accept, a formula unknown to anyone else and without logic or any sense at all. Price doesn't come into it either. It's a lottery and that's how it has to be viewed. AND it can take literally months for them to decide, so it's now a case of waiting.

If you find yourself in this situation and your offer is eventually accepted on one of these type of sales, it's worth remembering that you're quite within your rights to pull out if you find something else in the mean time. So don't let this sort of thing stop you looking at other deals and offering on others in the mean time.
So if you want a second opinion on a property you've seen, give me a ring. Chances are I'll know which one your looking at and who knows if I've made an offer on it your timing might be bang on to bag it before I give it to one of my other investor clients.
If you want to chat to me about my sourcing service you know where I am.
Why not bob in for a coffee (I only do nice coffee), or alternatively ping me an email: or give me a ring on 01254 760660 I'm always happy to chat and share what I know.....
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