Saturday, 16 May 2015

Another cracking Buy-to-Let deal with 9.5% Yield on Lord Street in Darwen - It's a No Brainer!

Lord Street Darwen offering a Super Yield of 9.5% 

No need to think about this one, it's a no brainer. Just get it bought!

Talk about an opportunity coming along when you least expect it, well it's here and it's come a knocking...

Remember it's usually first come first served with deals like this one.

Well lads and lasses.... here's another cracking deal up for grabs from our Debs.

She picked this up the other day and what a cracker it is too.

The Landlord is selling his properties due to a change in circumstances. Lucky for one of you guys....

Here it is, click here:  Lord Street Darwen

Put simply, there's nothing to think about with this one. It's got what I call a 'Super Yield' which is anything above 8%.

It's another that we found the tenant for a couple of years ago. The tenant has looked after the house and always paid the rent on time.

Lord Street in Darwen

The house is in good condition and there aren't any obvious signs of any work needing to be done.

Sorry this is a brief one, but if you want to know anything else, or want a chat about anything else you've seen - no matter who the agent is, why not bob in for a brew and a chat.

Or just email me the details to and I'll give you my thoughts.

Then again you could ring me on 01254 760660.

Watch out for the next recommendation... (or register with your email address to be the first to hear).


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